JW Plastic Surgery Korea
Otoplasty: Ear actually changes your life !
1. What is Otoplasty?
Otoplasty is a procedure for correcting an abnormal shape of the ear due to innate or acquired reasons. Generally, this surgery is performed to give an improvement on aesthetic and hygienic views.
Nowadays, people are looking for this surgery for these reasons:
- To have a better first impression for job hunting
- Prominent ear gives an indecisive impression
- To positively affect their overall facial features (physiognomy)
2. Ideal Shape of the Ear
-The most appropriate aspect ratio is 4:7
-The top of the ear is better to be located between the upper eyelids and the tip of the nose
-Having more left-right symmetry gives your ears a more ideal look
-Your facial features are more proportioned when the ears are slightly laid back at about 8~10 degrees.
-The antihelix and the earflap should be visible.
3. How to Correct Prominent Ear (Dumbo Ears)
There are many types of ear.
Among them, prominent ears which are also known as a dumbo ears are the most common shape of the ear.
How to correct ‘dumbo ear’
Set back otoplasty :
-First, to minimize scarring, we make an incision at the deepest crease behind of the earflap.
-Then, we remove the excess cartilage and form the appropriate Y shape of the anthelics.
4. Otoplasty Before and After Pictures
the source : http://hotssong.tistory.com/entry/%EA%B3%A0%EC%95%84%EB%9D%BC-%EA%B7%80-%EC%84%B1%ED%98%95-%EC%A0%84%ED%9B%84-%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%84%EB%B9%84%EA%B5%90
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