Your nose is the center of your face; create the beautiful Golden Ratio for your face
What are Upturned Nose and Short Nose Correction?
Upturned nose / Short nose surgery give balance to the face
Upturned nose / Short nose refers to a nose that is proportionally too short in consideration of a person’s face and has excessively visible nostrils upon frontal view.
This surgery is the most difficult rhinoplasty surgery; thus, it requires well-experienced, skilled medical professionals, and board-certified plastic surgery specialists.
Surgery Duration1 - 2 Hours
HospitalizationNot Required
# of Postoperative visits2 Visits
Removal of Stitches5 - 7 days after the operation
Recovery PeriodReturn to normal life 2 - 3 days after operation
We Recommend Upturned Nose / Short Nose Surgery to:
Those whose nose is short and the tip of the nose is upturned.
Those whose nose length is proportional, but the nostrils are visible.
Those whose nose is too short compared to his/her face ratio.
Those whose nose is shortened due to contracture, after previous surgery.
Procedure of Upturned Nose / Short Nose Correction
For a slightly short nose with nostrils not overly exposed
We insert an implant or perform autoplasty to lift the height of the glabella and to make the nose look longer. Then add an ear cartilage or other implants in the nose tip to make the nose look longer.
We insert cartilage taken from the ear or other implants at the nose tip to make the nose look longer.
For an extremely short and upturned nose with overly exposed nostrils
Re-positioning of alar cartilages with a surgical suture technique
Without taking a cartilage graft, we reposition the alar cartilages using a special suture technique to extend the length of the nose.
Septal extension graft with septal cartilage
We can extend the length of the nose by inserting septal nasal cartilage, costal cartilage, or donated costal cartilage.
Publications relating to septal extension graft with septal cartilage, by Dr. Man Koon Suh:
Using grafts taken from ear cartilage, we can extend the alar cartilage of the nose.
Hybrid septal extension graft
For those who have extremely small septal nasal cartilages, we perform this procedure using septal nasal cartilages, ear cartilages, and donated costal cartilages to extend the nose length.
Publications relating to Hybrid septal cartilage graft, by Dr. Man Koon Suh:
Asian noses are smaller, and their nasal tip skin is thicker than those of Westerners. Moreover, in the Asian nose, the tip projection is poor, and the tip-defining point is obtuse. Structural supporting grafts such as the columella strut graft or septal extension graft are required in most Asians to obtain sufficient nasal tip projection.
Publications relating to Rein-shaped columellar strut graft, by Dr. Man Koon Suh:
With more than 20 years of experience, surgeons specialized in nose surgery.
JW nose team constitutes 2 nose specialists with know-how from various clinical experiences, as well as dedication to achieving the best result by medical research.