Eye Surgery

Sub-brow Lift

sub brow lift korea
Remove the drooping fat and wrinkles, regain your youthful eye shape

What is a Sub-brow Lift?

A sub-brow lift can build an energetic eye shape by pulling a sagging eyebrow upward.

Sub-brow lift is a type of eye surgery in Korea that reduces the loose skin under the eyebrow. Sometimes the middle-aged and senior patients, who have thicker skin around their eyelids, can end up unsatisfied with their double eyelid line surgery.

Droopy eyelids can lead to inflammation, or even infection, around the outer edges of eyelids after the surgery. Moreover, droopy eyelids and brows can interfere with one’s vision, the patients with this condition strain their eye muscles to open their eyes wider; the strain put on the eyes creates fine lines and wrinkles. This condition can be fixed through the sub-brow eye surgery.

  • Surgery Duration1 hour
  • HospitalizationNot Required
  • # of Postoperative visits2 - 3 Times
  • AnesthesiaSedation or local anesthesia
  • Removal of Stitches5 - 7 days after the operation
  • Recovery Period1 - 2 Weeks
Sub-brow lift is suitable for:
  • Those with a large space between their eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Those with thicker eyelid skin, particularly the middle-aged and elderly.
  • Those with both double eyelids and eyebrow tattoos.
  • Those whose eyebrows ends are sloping down.
  • Those who have asymmetric eyebrows.

Procedure of Sub-brow Lift

Step 1

An incision is made underneath the eyebrow.

Step 2

The excess skin and muscles are excised, tightened, and sutured.

Step 3

The lifted skin is fixed securely to prevent recurrence of sagging.


To avoid possible complications, you are required to take good care of your body and pay special attention to your condition.

Caution Before Eye Surgery

  • Any type of food or beverage should be avoided by starting 4 hours before the surgery.
  • To keep the surgical site intact, you will need clothes that are easy to put on after the surgery. We suggest the patients bring a shirt or a large T-shirt.
  • Smoking irritates your respiratory system, causing phlegm, and leading to coughs or sneezes, which can cause bleeding and affect your surgery negatively. We recommend our patients avoid smoking starting two weeks before their surgery.
  • A severe cold on the day of the surgery should be reported to your doctor, as it can affect your respiration.
  • Some medications can increase bleeding by interfering with hemostasis (such as hormonal drugs, vitamin E, etc.) It's best to stop taking such medication at least 7 days before the surgery. If you are prescribed such medication for a serious condition, (for example heart problems, diabetes, or thyroid) inform your doctor during the consultation.
  • It’s best to wash your hair and body on the day before the operation. On the day of the surgery, you'll be required to remove your makeup and brush your teeth. Remove your manicure and pedicure, contact lenses, or any type of accessory.

Caution After Eye Surgery

  • From the day after your stitches are removed, you can wash up and take a shower. However, refrain from public bathhouses and saunas.
  • Take your prescribed medicine on time and avoid drugs that interfere with hemostasis as well as hormonal drugs.
  • Keep away from smoking and alcohol for up to 4 weeks after your operation. This assures faster and better recovery.
  • Keeping the surgical site above your heart's level helps reduce the swelling faster. Besides, avoiding liquids before bedtime is useful for controlling the swelling.
  • Everyone’s body heals at a different rate, give yourself time for the bruising and swelling to go down.

With more than 21 years of experience, Surgeons specialized in Eye Surgery.

JW eye team constitutes 3 eye specialists with know-how from various clinical experiences, as well as dedication to achieving the best result by medical research. Get the best sub-brow lift in Korea at JW Beauty Clinic.