This is Melod Low from Singapore who had Full Face Fat Grafting by Dr. Chul hwan Seul and Lateral Canthoplasty by Dr. Kim from JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea last year.
I finally got to post my post operation blogs through here since it has been fully recovered and looks great!!
The main reason why I have done Full face fat grafting was because I wanted to have some volumes on my face to have more pretty and look younger!!!
Post-op day 3
Little bit swollen from fat grafting but it is not worse than I was think of
I guess I’m not the person who gets swollen a lot !!!
But you still can see some swollowness on my face right?? hahaha but it is okay because I’m gonna be look a lot better soon!! just waiting for that moment right now.
Above 3 pictures are post-op 2 months after my Full face fat grafting and Lateral Canthoplasty
As you can see from the picture I look much natural and younger now!
Whithin 2 weeks ~ 1month there were some absorbtion of fat that I have injected now it turned into my own fat! but from now on more important thing has been left which it is I have to maintain my body weight not to lose of my fats that it got injected. because once I loose weight I will loose my fats on my face as well T.T
Post-op 1 year (about)
How do I look? do you guys think I maintain my body weight and fats on my face well???
because I’m loving it! It was best operation I had!
What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr