Hello, everyone.
Having Surgery in America VS South Korea?
However, after comparing both America and Korea, I decided to have my surgery in Korea and here are the reasons why I decided to go to Korea to reduce my nose and make it slimmer.
The first reason was the doctors. The doctors in Korea who work in the capital of plastic surgery have met patients from all over the world. They have a high understanding of not only the different structures of the nose, but also different skin characteristics. These were big concerns as I was very afraid of having a scar from the rhinoplasty.
The second reason was the cost. The cost of nose reduction surgery in America is much higher than in Korea.
The third reason was the huge number of positive and genuine reviews on the internet.
The fourth reason was that a few of my friends had already had surgery at JW Plastic Surgery Korea and they were extremely happy with their experience.
Me before Reduction Rhinoplasty
This is me before the reduction rhinoplasty. I really didn’t like my witch looking nose. It was really long and pointy, and it wasn’t smooth, which made me look much older.
First 1~5 Days after Reduction Rhinoplasty
1 Week after Reduction Rhionoplasty
On 7th day after getting surgery, the cast and stitches were removed from my nose. It was the first time I got to meet my new nose!! It seemed a bit bulbous and upturned, so I spoke to my Russian consultant. She told me that it was because There is still swelling and it would get better and look more natural after the swelling had subsided; so I had to wait.
2~4 Weeks after Getting Reduction Rhinoplasty
I started to have more feeling around the nose. The entire contour of the nose became slimmer and slimmer. Dr. Suh told me that the swelling gradually subsided over 6months, and the shape would get more ideal and natural. However, I already like my new nose:).
Nose Scars after Open Rhinoplasty
As I mentioned early I was really concerned and worried about scarring. The reason why I chose Dr. Suh and to have my reduction rhinoplasty done in Korea was because of their amazing techniques and skills that leave very minimal scarring on the collumella. As you can see in the picture, the scarring is barely visible anymore.
I am very satisfied with the result of rhinoplasty at JW Plastic surgery Korea by Dr. Suh. I have recurved many compliments from friends and people from work places. I really appreciate to Dr. Suh for making my nose become so beautiful.
I highly recommend this clinic and Dr. Suh for people who would like to have natural, but more beautiful nose.
For more information about plasic surgery
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LINE ID for Thai consultation: thai5114
Email : jwbeautykr@gmail.com