We Can Remove Dark Circles Permanently: Quick Dark Circle Surgery
The Causes of Dark Circles
More and more people are concern about dark circles these days. Common causes of dark circles are:
- Excessive fat or lack of fat on lower eyelids
- The muscle or blood vessels are visible through the skin
- Complex causes from the aging process (i.e-wrinkles, skin sagging)
The dark under the eyes can make people look tired as well as make their skin tone darker.
Here are a few ways to improve the dark circles under your eyes
1. A 30-Sec Eye Massage to Brighten up Your Dark Circles

Below are steps on how to massage your eyes to improve the dark circles from Healthline. Healthline is one of the web magazines which actively provides useful information about health, medicine, and lifestyle. This helps lymph circulation around the eyes and make the eyes brighter.
A eye massage won’t provide a sudden change or a huge amount of improvement, but it is worth trying to help slow down the process of dark circles forming.
- Using gentle tapping motions with your index and middle finger(no tugging or dragging), tap out a circle around your eyes. Tapping brings blood flow to the area.
- Go outward along your eyebrows, then inward along the top of your cheekbones toward the bridge of your nose. Circle your eyes three times.
- Then with your middle fingers, press firmly upward at the pressure points just under the brow bone on either side of your nose where your brows should start.
- Then press firmly inward toward your nose, above the bridge, next to your tear ducts.
- Massage your temples with your index and middle fingers to finish.
2. Dark Circle Cover up with Make-up
A famous Korean beauty creator introduced how to cover up dark circles by using Korean cosmetic. She kindly explains the characteristics of Korean cosmetic products for dark circles and how to cover them up effectively. If you would like to know how to cover up dark circles and achieve Korean glowing skin by using Korean cosmetic products, please click below.
3. Dark Circle Surgery – A More Effective and Prompt Way for Dark Circles
Dr. Hong Lim Choi who is a director at JW Plastic Surgery Korea. He is one of the top 3 eye surgeons in Korea with 18 years of clinical experience. Dr. Choi said: ‘ After finding the cause of dark circles for each patient such as fat, skin tone, skin pigmentation, visible vessels, or wrinkles, we then accurately apply a variety of different methods specific to the patient to help improve the dark under their eyes.’
There is no age limit for this surgery, and dark circle surgery is commonly done even for the younger generation for aesthetic purposes.
When patients have excessive fat
When patients naturally have excessive fat on the lower eyelids or the supporting structure of lower eyelids becomes weaker because of buldging fat; this can create shadows under your eyes. In this situation, we can give you improvement by repositioning the fat or removing part of the excessive fat on lower eyelids.

A lack of fat
When compare to other areas on our body, the lower eyelids have considerably less fat, which makes it easier for muscles and vessels under the thin skin of lower eyelids to be visible. A fat graft which makes the skin thicker can be an effective solution for reducing dark circles under our eyes.

Skin pigmentation
The skin on lower eyelids is very sensitive and weak, so it is easier for the skin pigmentation to change color. This typically happens because of light irritation or direct sunlight. This condition can be improved by a skin laser treatment or an aesthetic skin treatment.

As we age, our lower eyelids elasticity tends to reduce and they start to bulge out. By the fat bulding out, it can cause deep crease on our cheeks. This normally happens because of the aging process, however, for some people, whose skin naturally has a low level of elasticity, this situation can happen at a younger age. In this case, the dark circles can be improved by a rewind lower blepharoplasty which was developed by Dr. Choi.

Reasons Why You Need to Have Lower Eyelids Surgery at JW Plastic Surgery Korea

JW eye specialists, precisely diagnose the patient’s condition and provide an accurate solution for each and every condition. With 18 years of clinical experience and recognition at many international medical conferences, JW Plastic surgery Korea has been acknowledged for its outstanding techniques by patients and surgeons all over the world.
JW minimize the amount of fat removal while preserving the eye condition and reconstructing the structure of lower eyelids to a more youthful appearance.
The surgery will take about 2~2.5 hours under a sleeping anesthesia.
Stitches are typically removed 7 days after surgery. This is the best solution for dark circles with 1 week of a short recovery time!