One of the main questions beside the size of breast implants is the type of breast implants which should be used in a breast augmentation surgery. It is also a very important one. The wrong type of implants will provide you with suboptimal results.
Most plastic surgeons will provide their patients with all the needed information so that they can choose the type of implant they want.
When it comes to breast implant manufacturer, we recommend our patients to use MOTIVA breast implants.
Reasons to choose MOTIVA implants
The surface aspects of implants can make a big difference. MOTIVA combines the advantages of both smooth and textured surfaced implants. Smooth surfaced implants have a high possibility of mobility inside the breast, which may cause malpositining of the implants. On the other hand, textured implants remain fixed and don’t move naturally enough inside the breasts, though stability of the implants is assured. MOTIVA textured implants have a highly improved texture which allows them to assimilate into the surrounding tissue of the breasts. It gives enough mobility for a natural feeling to the touch and also offers high stability that prevents capsular contracture and problems with malpositioning.
MOTIVA provides a higher durability than other implants. The rupture rate for MOTIVA implants is under 0.1 %. They are extremely strong, which is a great option for more active women. Even though MOTIVA implants have a very strong shell, they still maintain their elasticity which allows surgeons to use a very small incision to insert the implants.
MOTIVA implants are 99% filled so they have a low possibility for rippling phenomenon.
The combination of new technologies used to create MOTIVA implants provides the most natural look and feel. The implants themselves have a low firmness so they change their shape and act like natural breasts.

Depending on your desired look, you will have a great range of implant shapes, sizes, bases and projections to choose from.
Q inside Safety Technology™ allows collecting of information about the breast implant without the need to open up the breast and see the implant. All you need is an appropriate reader and you can check which implant was used as well as the current quality of the implant.
The origin of the silicone used for manufacturing MOTIVA implants is highly reputable and has been a top name in industry for over 30 years.

Warranty of MOTIVA implants
MOTIVA implant was tested for mechanical failure, chemical, physical or biological error.
Every woman, which chooses MOTIVA implants will get a 5 year- coverage against rupture as well as coverage against capsular contracture.
In case of capsular contracture, it should be confirmed using MRI after which a request to replace the implant is made to the local distributor.
Motiva Ergonomix™ implants
Motiva Ergonomix™ implants are designed so that they provide the most natural look and feel. Earlier anatomical implants had a problem with rotation and hardness of implants. Motiva Ergonomix™ implants solved those problems combining special elastic shell of implant and ProgressiveGel Ultima™ which give implants very natural feel. They change their shape and the maximum point of projection as the woman changes its position.
Breast augmentation process using MOTIVA implants

JW’s Breast augmentation with Motiva implants is one-day surgery performed under general anesthesia. It usually lasts around 2 hours and downtime is extremely short (most patients are capable to return to normal life activities after 1-2 days).
In our daily practice, we use armpit and the inframammary fold incisions. The type of incision is patient dependent and it is highly influenced by breast shape and conditions. We make sure that the incision is very small and well hidden in the armpits so that it can’t be seen later once the scarring process is completed.
Long-lasting local anesthetic will be administered to provide painless recovery period. After that the implant pocket is created using HD endoscopy, which provides surgeons a great view and prevent soft tissue damage. We use implant sizers to make sure that you will end up with your desired breast size and shape. The sizers are followed by appropriate MOTIVA implants.
The HD endoscopy method provides minimal manipulation of breast tissue, which is one of the main reasons for postoperative pain. Intercostal anesthesia is also provided to ensure that there is no postoperative pain.