Hello, I’m Kally from Thailand!
I was concerned about my square face line and drooping eyelids.
I went to JW Plastic Surgery Center to address these concerns and find out the best solution.

This was my condition before surgery. At the consultation in JW clinic, We found out there was obvious skin sagging on jowls, double chin and deep nasolabial folds.
I thought square jaw line was from my prominent bone. But I realized my bone itself is small but the fat, tissue and skin surrounding my bone was thick and sagging down.
To improve all these problems that my doctor recommended:
- “Face lift by MADE” to improve my sagging skin to make me look younger.
- Accusculpt (Laser for fat removal ) to improve my jowl and double chin by removing fat.
- Double eyelid full incision method to improve my drooping upper eyelids.
1 Day After Surgery
I was totally sleeping during the surgery and even after the surgery, i was not in pain. My doctor came to see me on the next day, I already saw a big difference on my jaw when i removed the compression bandage!

11th day after surgery
As you can check out, my sagging skin, wrinkles, fatty face were improved in JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea.

Although i have some swelling, my jaw line became slimmer like V line! I got LED Light de-swelling treatment on every treatment day to see my results as soon as possible ?
I stayed in Korea only 10 more days after the surgery as i was advised by JW consultant, and I came back to Thailand safely after removing all the stitches in Korea!

I look 10 years younger than before surgery! I feel like i found out the best version of myself. Thank you, Doctor!