JW’s deviated nose surgery (i.e. deviated septum) creates a beautiful nose shape and improves breathing by realigning the septum.
In order to relieve the symptoms of nasal septum deviation such as nasal obstruction, rhinitis, and headaches, JW Plastic Surgery Hospital plans a surgical procedure, keeping in consideration each individual patient’s facial structure and conditions. Through plastic nose surgery, we improve the shape of the deviated nose and as well as its functions.
The nasal septum is a wall-like structure that stands in the middle vertically, dividing the nostril in two. Both sides are covered with mucous membranes, and the cartilages are located at the center.
The camouflage method is a simple procedure that corrects a slightly deviated nose through cartilage grafting or dermis grafting. Most cases are corrected with simple procedures.
Corrective rhinoplasty is recommended to those who have a seriously deviated nose when different parts are misaligned.
In this case, deviated nose correction is not limited to septum correction. To perform corrective rhinoplasty on a deviated nose, several diagnostic and corrective procedures should be performed at the same time.
Correction of the deviated tip and columella in crooked nose (APS “Archives of Plastic Surgery) (Link)