Korean V-line surgery _ where is the best V-line surgery clinic in Korea ?

Face contouring surgery _ where is the best face contouring surgery clinic in Korea ? 

It is easy to see people who have a very defined jawline ( V-line). So it has become a common desire to want the ideal face shape. It is true that we have advanced technique with make-up and aesthetic treatment, but still, it can’t give the dramatic result that plastic surgery gives. We fully understand that it is difficult for people who don’t work in the plastic surgery field to find a clinic, offering great skills and results; therefore, we will give you a few tips on how to find skillful surgeons and surgery clinics that provide good face contouring surgery.

1. What is V-line surgery(face contouring surgery)?


V-line surgery is a common terms for mandible reduction + genioplasty (chin surgery). This surgery is often performed to achieve a smooth contour of the face by reshaping the bone structure. good clinics for face contouring surgery should be able to recognize what is the ideal shape of the face to meet the patients’ satisfaction and to prevent any facial bone surgery complication such as nerve damage or sagging skin. Then, how to find the best face contour surgery clinic in Korea?? 

2. What we can expect from V-line surgery (face contouring surgery)?

– much friendlier first impression + much more feminine and sophisticated atmosphere
– An Improvement to the jaw asymmetry
– A short recovery period in Korea
– The possibility to achieve a dramatically slimmer face in a short period of time
– No need to have double jaw surgery ( *depending on the situation)

3. How long does it takes?? is it under general anesthesia or sleeping anesthesia?

The duration : 2~3 hours
Anesthesia : General anesthesia
Hospitalization : 1 day. You are able to be discharged the day after your surgery.
Post-op care : 2~3 times in the first 1 week
Downtime: It is possible to be back to your normal life in 1 week
* AT JW Plastic Surgery Korea, an in-house anesthesiologist will take care of patients from the beginning to the end to prevent any possible general anesthesia complication or surgery accident.

4. Am I right candidate for facial bone contouring surgery?

JW Plastic Surgery Korea recommend bone surgery after considering a variety of aspects such as : 
– Bone age ( the bone grow should have stopped)
– A CT scan to know the actual shape and thickness of the bone
– The cause of asymmetry
– The amount of muscle around the jaw

Sources: https://blog.naver.com/leehyewon84/221321881317
Then, JW facial bone contouring specialist will recommend the surgery to : 
– Those who would like to have v-line surgery
– Those whose lower jaw is wide or angle of the bone is very round, which makes the persons face look flat.
-The length of the jaw is longer than average jaws and have a noticeable asymmetry.
-The jaw is too angular from the side which gives them a very square shaped jaw)
In many cases, if only the mandible reduction is performed, it can cause an unnatural feeling and contour, so having mandible reduction and narrowing genioplasty ( V-line surgery) is much more effective and ideal.

JW facial bone contouring specialist perform 4 different way depending on the shape of the face. 

1. T-genioplasty ( shortening the width of the chin)
2. Genioplasty cutting out in triangle shape ( shortening the width and length of the chin)

3. advancing genioplasty, sliding genioplasty ( moving the chin forward and shortening the width of the chin)

4. lengthening genioplasty

Before and after of V-line surgery at JW Plastic Surgery Clinic in Korea

*Anna pictures

More before and after pictures : https://jwbeauty.net/gallery-cat/face-contour

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