Hey This is Ji Hye from Korea who had Double Eyelid Surgery Non Incision
+Fat Bag removal+Fat Injection+ Nose Surgery + Square Jaw correction + Cheek Bone Reduction
+Fat Bag removal+Fat Injection+ Nose Surgery + Square Jaw correction + Cheek Bone Reduction
from JW Plastic Surgery Korea
Normally my non double eyelid and droopy eyes gave me so much of stress, so I cover whole my face with my hair, also my nose…..too much of humped nose which I can’t even cover it up with make ups on.
Also my facial line were not that smooth
There were so many pretty girls out there..
I know some people will think differently because surgery is not a best way to be pretty or cover my issues but I decided has a surgery to look prettier than now. I really want to get rid of this humped nose. I’m pretty sure they will understand out there who are having same problems as I do.
Above pictures are about 2 weeks after surgery. There were huge swollenness on my face about 2~3days after the surgery and it gave me big worries LL and kept thinking about when it will be gone… but those problems were gone after 2 weeks. Now I can put up make-ups on and meet my friends with a confident also I wanted to go out so badly since I stayed at home for a week straight. Even my boyfriend loved my new looks. I still do have some of swollen left but I still satisfy with my changes even now, but I cannot wait till see my final looks because it is going to look better than now. I think I made a good decision about the surgery. There is one minor problem that my younger sister also wants to have surgery!! hahahahaha
Maybe This picture might give you not a good appereance after the cheek bone surgery
Square Jaw correction
Because I also think the same way but I’m just waiting for the
Final results to show up
This surgery is not a small surgery so you guys need to search carefully with this
and That is one of main reason why I have chosen JW Plastic Surgery Center
to be my clinic for the surgery
Their Surgeons were very experienced and I heard that They also give lectures
and advices to other plastic surgeons overseas such as training program
I think results of Double Eyelid Surgery Non Incision
+Fat Bag removal+Fat Injection+ Nose Surgery + Square Jaw correction + Cheek Bone Reduction
came out really well, but I will like to hear what you guys think about how it came out since everyone has different thoughts. One thing I know is that every single my friends loved it and kept asking me about which clinic I went to.
So I gave them the name card of JW Plastic Surgery Clinic with a PRIDE lol
+Fat Bag removal+Fat Injection+ Nose Surgery + Square Jaw correction + Cheek Bone Reduction
came out really well, but I will like to hear what you guys think about how it came out since everyone has different thoughts. One thing I know is that every single my friends loved it and kept asking me about which clinic I went to.
So I gave them the name card of JW Plastic Surgery Clinic with a PRIDE lol
What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr