Miracle works of Liposuction (Post op)

I tried many times for the Diet but I always failed on it, so I started to look for the new way of loosing my fats! I always scared about the Liposuction, but it seemed like it is the last method that I can do it on my body. For first I searched about the the liposuction clinic I can trust and which surgeon can do best work on it. There were many clinics in Seoul, Korea, but as all of you guys know not that many clinics that I can really trust. I went to several clinics near the Gangnam area( about 7~8 clinics)
I decided to go to JW for by liposuction, because
1. Consultant was  really nice and trustworthy
2. Surgeons were really nice and told me what I should or shouldn’t do
3. It seemed like JW was honest and skillful
4. Well known and skillful surgeon

So I made up my mind to have liposuction procedure at the JW Plastic Surgery Korea
Total procedures took 8 hours to take out all my fats
I knew I was little bit fat but didn’t notice that I had so much fat to take out from my body
Doctor and nurses told me that they took out 5,000CCs of fat

This is before picture of liposuction on my abdomen(belly), Love handle, and back
Yea as you can tell I had lots of fat….

This is 50 days after Liposuction procedure from JW Plastic Surgery Center
What do you think about the RESULTS!!
This photos are without photoshop!!
I’m so satisfied with my results, Now I can not wait to go to the BEACH

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