Dr. Suh Man Koon took a part in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2021 Conference, that has been held in COEX on 10-11 July 2021, in hybrid form (virtual and live conference). The event was organized by Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.
Dr. Suh Man Koon of JW Plastic Surgery Korea gave a lecture about Correction of Saddle Nose (septal collapse). The condition is an often outcome of trauma or side effect of botched rhinoplasty surgery. Aside of septum collapse it may also cause tip drooping and columnar retraction.
There are also cases, after usage of various prosthetic materials, where septum is missing.
Dr. Suh analyzed various examples in real case study and presented know-how of solution to each problem.
Furthermore, Dr. Suh took a role of chairman of joint session with ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) within the conference.