[Real Story]JW’s Real Make Over Story part.1 — Minhee Kim

Rhinoplasty with Dr. Man Koon Suh

Patient’s name: Minhee Kim
Occupation: JW Plastic Surgery Korea’s patients’ attendant.
Summary of her surgery: hump removal, lateral osteotomy, tip plasty
Date of surgery: 29th of Nov. 2013

JW Plastic Surgery Korea 

598-6 Shinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
Tel : +82-2-541-5114 
Mobile : +82-10-7195-5114 (English Hotline)
Fax : +82-2-542-5110 
Kakao Talk  ID : jwps
E-mail : jw_beauty@naver.com 
Site: www.jwbeauty.net