[Real Story] Revision for Ptosis correction double eyelid incision


I decided to have revision for Ptosis correction double eyelid incision.

I was very worried and paranoid since it is revision, but the entire doctor was sooo nice

Also it didn’t hurt that much as I expected. I was so touched and secure by doctor who gave me a surgery because he called my name and said “well-done, you have had a tough job getting a surgery”

Look at my swelling and bruised eyes T.T

It didn’t hurt that much because nurses took stich out on my upper eyelid very softlyJJ

Now I got to take medicines very well to recover ASAP~

I was so HAAPPPYY after taking all of stiches. Doesn’t it look more natural~? 🙂

It seems like my swollenness got gone away…but there is little bit red-ish on EPI part.

Besides that I’m LOVING IT!!!

WOW It has been a month ALREADY>,<

Now I can put lil bit of make-ups, put my contact lens on~

I also can go out to meet up with my friends w/o make-ups with a confidence.

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