[Real Story] Breast Augmentation in JW

 Hello.I had Breast Surgery with Dr. Chul Hwan Seul in JW.
Today is the 1st day.
 My boobs these days are very swollen,seems like bigger than the implants which I chose. But doctor said it will become smaller later.
 I think my chest is tight this week. Day 7 is the day to remove the stitches.
My excisions are in my armpits.It is the most hidden place.
 The feeling is so good when I remove the bra which JW gave.
But doctor said I still need to wear it for totally 1.5 months.
 You can see the nice shape when I wear sport bra and there is only nipple pad❤
2 weeks past,the swollen seems like less than before.
I could try to press that I can feel them ❤
 It makes me become tooooooo sexy. Oh,let me close the button my clothes first xD
 This kinda clothes I would never try before. Now I can wear them.
Thanks, Dr. Seul!!
 After 2 months, some selfies ♥
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