[Real Model] Cinderella’s desire to achieve! Make a wish!

Hello! My name is Mina. I had Rhinoplasty and breast in JW. 
There are a lot of bruises around my eyes.
Swollen faded little by little, but my eye balls were pressed by swollen.
Now you can see redness in my eyes.
My nose looks very high and swells very widely.
I had felt very uncomfortable during 2 weeks. Now I feel better.
The swollen n face and redness are totally gone.
I did make some makeup. My friend said I look the same without makeup.
I wished I could look better after surgery. Yes, I did! 🙂
The new nose is very suitable for my face.:)
JW Plastic Surgery Korea
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서울시 강남구 신사동 598-6
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Kakao Talk ID : jwps / jwbeautykr
E-mail : jw_beauty@naver.com 
Homepage : www.jwbeauty.net
Blog : jwbeautykorea.blogspot.com