Nose Surgery and Fat Grafting in Seoul

This is little awkward that posting my own Plastic Surgery Journey on the blog >_<
But I will share my plastic surgery journey in Korea 2015
I’m actually Korean who got raised in U.S.
I decided to have plastic surgery journey in Korea because I heard that Korean Plastic Surgery skills are really great compared to other countries overseas also they have more experiences in this
Plastic Surgery industry.

It took me good amount of times for the researching right plastic surgeon in korea for my cases, since there are so many of plastic surgery clinics in Seoul with good surgeons.
When I searched google “Best nose surgery surgeon in korea” JW Plastic Surgery Korea or
Dr. Man Koon, Suh showed and lots of youtube about his works appeared on google
More search i do about Dr. Man Koon, Suh more I can give trust in him, so I have decided to undergo surgery to him from JW Plastic Surgery Korea

This is My before surgery picture
As you can see my nose is bulbous and little wide
I forgot to post my side picture but I had very low nasal bridge, SO I needed Bulbous nose correction(wide nose), higher the nasal bridge, and reduction of alar base little


3rd Day after the nose surgery
I still haven’t take off my cast
but tried to look pretty though:)


On the 7th days
Finally I took my cast and stiches off!!
I feel alive!!!




What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr

