JW Plastic Surgery Clinic Korea received an Award(Certificate of Merit) of Attracting Foreign Patients for excellence from Korea

Dr. Man Koon, Suh got invited by Chief of Gang Nam borough office on 4th November, 2015 to receive an award(certificate of merit) of attracting foreign patients for excellence from Korea
There were about 40 of institution who came to an event.

JW Plastic Surgery Clinic Korea was one of the best and well-known clinics in Gang Nam district out of all the clinics in Seoul


Dr. Man Koon, Suh is having greeting with President of Gang Nam medical tourism association


 All the president and representative of institution and clinics are greeting Dr. Suh
 Dr. Man Koon, Suh received an award(certificate of merite) of attracting foreign patients for excellence from korea as a representative of JW Plastic Surgery Korea by Chief of Gang Nam borough office on 4th November, 2015




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