About Revision Rhinoplasty (re-do nose job)

Today I would like to talk about Revision Rhinoplasty or Reoperation of nose job

There are many patients who needs revision rhinoplasty (nose revision) who suffers from previous botched nose job from other country / clinic / cheap clinics / etc.,

You need to undergo revision rhinoplasty (nose job revision) if you are experiencing any of the following cases such as your nose shape is different from what you expected after rhinoplasty (nose job), have an excessively high bridge after rhinoplasty, the tip of your nose is excessively sharp, seriously shifted implant from the previous nose job, implant transparency, nose implant has been collapsed, inflamed nose after primary rhinoplasty. Revision rhinoplasty (revision nose job) requires much more advanced techniques and experience than primary rhinoplasty, so you are advised to get revision rhinoplasty from JW’s well-experienced board certified rhinoplasty specialists.


The majority of individuals who have received primary rhinoplasty forgo getting revision rhinoplasty because they think it is too risky to do another rhinoplasty (nose job). More likely, they do not trust revision rhinoplasty itself due to the disappointment and distrust about rhinoplasty surgery that they developed from the failure of their primary surgery, but we strongly recommend you to rid yourself from this trauma and to regain confidence and trust in revision rhinoplasty.

We recommend nose revision to:
1. Those whose implant is slanted, shifted or tranparent
2. Those whose tip or top of nose turns red (symptoms of infection)
3. Those whose implant is excessively distinctive
4. Those whose nose is inflamed
5. Those whose nose turns into a snub nose or the length of nose is shortened
6. Those whose nose has fever feeling or smells of burning

Types of revision rhinoplasty (nose job) who needs:


1. Slanted implant
2. Snub nose (upturned nose)
3. Demarcation of the implant on sides
4. Experiencing side effects due to injection of illegal substances

Side effects of injection of illegal substances:
Many individuals have received injections of illegal substances injection from quack doctors (illegal doctors or not board certified plastic surgeonsd). These practices were prevalent in the past, but still occur even today. Even though the quacks (illegal doctors or not board certified plastic surgeons) say that they use collagen or botox injections, they actually uses silicone or paraffin injections on your nose. Both silicone and paraffin can easily be spread to your tissues once these are injected into your body, thus it is very difficult to remove them. Although you don’t see any problems initially after the illegal injection, the side effects can suddenly occur a few years or tens of years later.
Thes kinds of injections of illegal substances can cause inflammation, discoloration of ksin, tissue necrosis, falling out of illegal substances, headache, and more.

5. Hump nose has reoccurred
6. Excessive removal of hump nose
7. Cane make pig-like nose or rigid nose tip
8. Allergic reaction to silicone
9. Inverted V Deformity
10. Collapsed tip of the nose (cartilage of the nasal tip)
11. Excessively high or low bridge

Contractured tip correction *revision rhinoplasty


Revision rhinoplasty (injection of illegal substances case)

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