There was ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) 23rd Congress held in Kyoto, Japan on October 23~27th, 2016
There were over 1,000+ plastic surgeons from overseas have atteneded to this congress to learn, exchange their experiences and knowledges about their own plastic surgery techniques.
Best Korean Plastic Surgeons from JW Plastic Surgery Center has been invited to
23rd ISAPS Congress as speaker / lecturer to share their knowledge of plastic surgery
techniques to help other overseas plastic surgeons to improve their surgery techniques in the future.
For rhinoplasty we gave lecture about “Correction of Hump nose in Asians”
For Eye surgery we gave lecture about “Extended Lower Blepharoplasty”
Many of plastic surgeons were impressed about their works and techniques and It was pleasure time for them to learn about the Korean Styled of surgery skills.
What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr